- 2014-11-14
Note 2015-01Hall B: Silicon Vertex Tracker (SVT) Cables
by Marc McMullen - 2015-01-20
Note 2015-02Hall B: Data Analysis of Reflectance Measurements Performed on the Winston Cones of the CLAS12 Low Threshold Cherenkov Counter (LTCC) by Mary Ann Antonioli - 2015-01-29
Note 2015-03Hall B: Reflectivity Test Station for the Low Threshold Cherenkov Counter (LTCC)
by Peter Bonneau - 2015-02-02
Note 2015-04Hall D: Drift Chamber Gas Control System
by David Butler - 2015-03-13
Note 2015-05Hall B: Cable and Services Layout for the Silicon Vertex Tracker (SVT) Insertion Cart
by Marc McMullen - 2015-04-03
Note 2015-06Hall D: PLC System for the LH2 Cryotarget
by Robert Werth Teachey - 2015-06-17
Note 2015-07Hall B: Drift Chamber Gas System
by George Jacobs - 2015-06-23
Note 2015-08Hall B: Differential Line Test for the FSSR2 ASICs of the Silicon Vertex Tracker (SVT)
by Brian Eng - 2016-02-25
Note 2016-01Hall B: Module Performance of the Silicon Vertex Tracker (SVT)
by Amanda Hoebel - 2016-02-29
Note 2016-02Hall B: PID Controller Test for the Drift Chamber Gas System
by Tyler Lemon - 2016-02-29
Note 2016-03Hall B: PID Pressure Control Development for Drift Chamber Gas System
by George Jacobs - 2016-03-08
Note 2016-04Hall B: Hardware Interlock System of the Silicon Vertex Tracker (SVT)
by Peter Bonneau - 2016-04-20
Note 2016-05Hall B: Testing of Silicon Vertex Tracker (SVT) Spare Modules
by Amanda Hoebel - 2016-04-22
Note 2016-06Hall B: Low Threshold Cerenkov Counter (LTCC) Gas System
by George Jacobs - 2016-04-22
Note 2016-07Hall D: Solenoid Voltage Tap Database in SQLite
by Amanda Hoebel - 2016-05-12
Note 2016-08HDice: Calibration Test of the CAENels CT-Box
by Tyler Lemon - 2016-06-13
Note 2016-09Hall D: Query Added in SQLite for the Solenoid Voltage Tap Database
by Amanda Hoebel - 2016-08-08
Note 2016-10HDice: Set and Readback Test of Oxford Instruments' Mercury Intelligent Power Supply
by Pablo Campero - 2016-09-26
Note 2016-11Hall B: Analysis of the Ring Imaging Cherenkov (RICH) Detector Mirror Measurements
by Mary Ann Antonioli, Tyler Lemon - 2016-09-26
Note 2016-12DSG R&D: National Instruments cRIO-Based Controls and Monitoring, and Interlock Systems
by Amanda Hoebel - 2016-09-27
Note 2016-13Hall B: Interlock System of the Forward Tagger
by Peter Bonneau - 2017-04-25
Note 2017-01Hall B: Proposal for Ring Imaging Cherenkov (RICH) Detector Hardware Interlock System
by Mary Ann Antonioli - 2017-04-28
Note 2017-02HDice: NMR Program for Targets
by Amanda Hoebel - 2017-05-05
Note 2017-03HDice: Noise Test of the CAENels Current Transducer Box
by Amanda Hoebel - 2017-05-08
Note 2017-04Hall B: Analysis of Rotation Forces on the Ring Imaging Cherenkov (RICH) Detector Assembly
by Tyler Lemon - 2017-06-16
Note 2017-05Hall B: Ring Imaging Cherenkov (RICH) Detector Exit Window Assembly
by Tyler Lemon - 2017-06-30
Note 2017-06Hall B: Torus Magnet's 325 K Cernox Error
by Tyler Lemon - 2017-07-14
Note 2017-07Hall B: Interlock System for the Forward Tagger
by Peter Bonneau - 2017-079-01
Note 2017-08Hall B: Gas Leak Study of Low Threshold Cherenkov Counter (LTCC)
by Marc McMullen - 2017-09-08
Note 2017-09Hall B: The Micromegas Vertex Tracker (MVT) Gas Mixing System
by George Jacobs - 2017-09-19
Note 2017-10DSG R&D: Test Stand for cRIO Analog Input Modules
by Mary Ann Antonioli - 2018-01-24
Note 2018-01Hall B: Ring Imaging Cherenkov Detector (RICH) Spherical Mirror Optical Tests
by Tyler Lemon - 2018-05-31
Note 2018-02Hall B: Measurement of the Ar/CO2 Gas Mixture Composition for the CLAS12 Drift Chambers
by Amanda Hoebel - 2018-06-01
Note 2018-03Hall B: Low Voltage Chassis Power Filtering for the Solenoid and Torus Magnet
by Brian Eng - 2018-06-01
Note 2018-04Hall B: Filtering of Torus Magnet's FastDAQ cRIO
by Brian Eng - 2018-06-05
Note 2018-05Hall B: Proposal for a VME Test Stand
by Peter Bonneau - 2018-06-11
Note 2018-06Hall B: Solenoid Controls and Monitoring System
by Pablo Campero - 2018-06-29
Note 2018-07Hall B: Controls and Monitoring Software of the PLC for Cooldown of Superconducting Solenoid
by Pablo Campero - 2018-07-10
Note 2018-08Hall B: Ring Imaging Cherenkov Detector (RICH) Spherical Mirror Acceptance Tests
by Tyler Lemon - 2018-07-19
Note 2018-09Hall B: Controls and Monitoring System to Power Up the Solenoid
by Pablo Campero - 2018-08-08
Note 2018-10HDice: Fabrication and Upgrades of RF Attenuation and Switching Units
by Mary Ann Antonioli - 2018-08-17
Note 2018-11Hall B: Software Development to Test cRIO Module 9207 and Results
by Mary Ann Antonioli - 2018-09-05
Note 2018-12Hall B: Design of the Gas System for the Radial Time Projection Chamber (RTPC)
by George Jacobs - 2018-09-19
Note 2018-13Hall C: PLC Software for Monitoring the UPS Units of High Momentum Spectrometer (HMS) and Super High Momentum Spectrometer (SHMS) by Tyler Lemon - 2018-10-05
Note 2018-14HDice: CAENels CT-Box Current Measurement System
by Peter Bonneau - 2018-10-05
Note 2018-15Hall D: Callibration of the PXI System of the Solenoid
by Brian Eng - 2018-10-25
Note 2018-16Hall B: Power Chassis for the Mass Flow Controllers of the Gas Controls and Monitoring System
by Marc McMullen - 2018-10-31
Note 2018-17Hall C: Current Loop Regulation PLC Program for the High Momentum Spectrometer (HMS) Quadrupoles by Amanda Hoebel - 2018-11-08
Note 2018-18Hall C: High Momentum Spectrometer (HMS) Vacuum Gauge
by Tyler Lemon - 2018-11-08
Note 2018-19Hall C: Super High Momentum Spectrometer (SHMS) PLC Upgrades
by Brian Eng - 2018-11-16
Note 2018-20Hall B: Nitrogen Gas Purge System for Ring Imaging Cherenkov Detector (RICH)
by George Jacobs - 2018-11-16
Note 2018-21Hall B: Low Threshold Cherenkov Counter (LTCC) Gas System Controls and Monitoring Software
by Marc McMullen - 2018-11-16
Note 2018-22Hall B: Gas System Controls and Monitoring Software for Micromegas Vertex Tracker (MVT) and Forward Tracker by Marc McMullen - 2018-11-16
Note 2018-23Hall B: High Threshold Cherenkov Counter (HTCC) Gas System Controls and Monitoring Software
by Marc McMullen - 2018-11-28
Note 2018-24HDice: Noise Level of the NMR Field Sweep
by Amanda Hoebel - 2018-11-29
Note 2018-25Hall B: Silicon Vertex Tracker (SVT) Gas System Controls and Monitoring Software
by Marc McMullen - 2018-11-30
Note 2018-26HDice: CAENels CT-Box Current Measurement System's Device Drivers
by Peter Bonneau - 2018-11-30
Note 2018-27Hall B: Drift Chamber Gas System Controls and Monitoring Software
by Marc McMullen - 2018-12-03
Note 2018-28Hall C: Performance of PLC Control System with Controlnet and Ethernet Modules in Super High Momentum Spectrometer (SHMS) by Pablo Campero - 2018-12-11
Note 2018-29Hall A: Gas System Design for the Heavy Gas Cherenkov (HGC) Detector
by George Jacobs - 2019-01-10
Note 2019-01DSG R&D: Software Development and Test Results for cRIO Module 9205
by Mary Ann Antonioli - 2019-01-10
Note 2019-02Hall B: Analysis of Solenoid Load Cells' Readings During Fast Dumps
by Tyler Lemon - 2019-01-18
Note 2019-03HDice: Attenuation Testing and Analysis of the RF Attenuation and Switching Unit
by Tyler Lemon - 2019-01-31
Note 2019-04Hall C: High Momentum Spectrometer (HMS) and Super High Momentum Spectrometer (SHMS) Cryogenics Remote Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System (EPICS) Monitoring
by Peter Bonneau - 2019-02-06
Note 2019-05Hall C: Testing and Analysis of PT2026 NMR Sensor Planned for the High Momentum Spectrometer (HMS) by Tyler Lemon - 2019-02-12
Note 2019-06Hall C: Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System (EPICS) Controls and Monitoring System Featuring Control System Studio (CSS) by Peter Bonneau - 2019-02-14
Note 2019-07DSG R&D: PLC Test Station Proposal
by Pablo Campero - 2019-02-26
Note 2019-08Hall B: Usage of Perfluorobutane in the Low Threshold Cherenkov Counter (LTCC) Detector Gas System by Marc McMullen - 2019-02-27
Note 2019-09Accelerator: Population of VME Fast Shutdown Boards for the Magnet Protection System
by Mary Ann Antonioli, Mindy Leffel - 2019-03-04
Note 2019-10Hall B: Supply and Recovery Controls for Perfluorobutane Used in the Low Threshold Cherenkov Counter (LTCC) Gas System by Marc McMullen - 2019-03-06
Note 2019-11Hall C: Displaying with CSStudio-BOY Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System (EPICS) High Voltage Process Variables of the High Momentum Spectrometer (HMS) Controls and Monitoring System by Amanda Hoebel - 2019-03-19
Note 2019-12Hall B: Proposed Integrated Temperature and Humidity Digital Sensor for the Ring Imaging Cherenkov Detector (RICH) Detector by Peter Bonneau - 2019-03-22
Note 2019-13Hall A: New PLC Proposal for the Power Supply Control System of the Dipole Magnet
by Brian Eng - 2019-03-28
Note 2019-14DSG R&D: Software Development to Test the National Instruments cRIO NI-9265
by Mary Ann Antonioli - 2019-04-04
Note 2019-15Hall B: Advantage of Reusing Distilled over Recirculated C4F10 for the Gas System of the Low Threshold Cherenkov Counter (LTCC) by George Jacobs - 2019-04-05
Note 2019-16DSG R&D: Programming the Artix-7 FPGA to Check its Basic Functions with the Development Test Board by Tyler Lemon - 2019-04-12
Note 2019-17DSG R&D: Simulation of Data Transfer Between PLC and Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System (EPICS) by Pablo Campero - 2019-05-03
Note 2019-18Hall C: Drop-Down Menu for High Voltage Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System (EPICS) Controls and Monitoring Screens of High Momentum Spectrometer (HMS) and Super High Momentum Spectrometer (SHMS) by Amanda Hoebel - 2019-05-22
Note 2019-19DSG R&D: Testing and Analysis of CAEN SY4527 and A7435SN High Voltage Modules
by Marc McMullen - 2019-05-31
Note 2019-20Hall C: Python Program for Backup and Restore of Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System (EPICS) High Voltage Process Variables for Controls and Monitoring System
by Tyler Lemon - 2019-06-07
Note 2019-21DSG R&D: Choosing Between Controls and Monitoring Systems Based on PLC and Programmable Automation Controllers by Peter Bonneau - 2019-06-28
Note 2019-22DSG R&D: Screens to Test the CAEN SY4527 High Voltage Power Supply System's Built-in Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System (EPICS) Server by Pablo Campero - 2019-07-02
Note 2019-23Hall B: Gas Controls and Monitoring for Testing the Radial Time Projection Chamber (RTPC)
by Marc McMullen - 2019-07-12
Note 2019-24Hall A: PLC Upgrade for the Power Supply Control System of Dipoles Magnets
by Brian Eng - 2019-07-19
Note 2019-25Hall B: Nitrogen Supply Outage to the Ring Imaging Cherenkov (RICH) Detector - Analysis, Consequences, and Resulting Actions by Tyler Lemon - 2019-07-25
Note 2019-26Hall C: Improvements to Python Program for Backup/Restore of Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System (EPICS) High Voltage Process Variables for the Controls and Monitoring System by Tyler Lemon - 2019-07-29
Note 2019-27Hall B: Proposed Controller for the Readout of the Temperature and Humidity Digital Sensors Sensirion SHT85 Envisioned for the Ring Imaging Cherenkov (RICH) Detector by Peter Bonneau - 2019-08-01
Note 2019-28Hall B: Developing a Readout System for the Sensirion SHT85 Sensors for the Ring Imaging Cherenkov (RICH) Detector by Peter Bonneau - 2019-08-09
Note 2019-29Hall A: Locating and Testing of Hadron Calorimeter (HCAL) Cables for Super BigBite Spectrometer by Mary Ann Antonioli - 2019-08-09
Note 2019-30DSG R&D: Test Results of CAEN SY4527 System Installed with A1535 High Voltage Boards
by Pablo Campero - 2019-08-15
Note 2019-31Hall B: Development of Data Acquisition to Read out Sensirion SHT85 Temperature and Humidity Sensors for the Ring Imaging Cherenkov (RICH) Detector by Peter Bonneau - 2019-08-16
Note 2019-32Hall A: Assembly of Electromagnetic Calorimeter (ECAL) Supermodules for the BigBite Spectrometer by Tyler Lemon - 2019-08-19
Note 2019-33Hall A: Design of the Gas Distribution System for the Gas Electron Multiplie (GEM) Detectors
by George Jacobs - 2019-08-19
Note 2019-34Hall A: Comparison of MKS and Honeywell Zephyr Series Mass Flow Sensors for Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) Detector Gas System by Brian Eng - 2019-08-20
Note 2019-35Hall D: Conversion of CSStudio-BOY Screens to WEDM for Remote Monitoring During Operations by Tyler Lemon - 2019-08-22
Note 2019-36Hall D: Switching from Phar Lap ETS to National Instruments Linux RTOS on the 8840 PXI Controller for the Solenoid by Brian Eng - 2019-08-28
Note 2019-37Hall B: FPGA Upgrade Proposals for the Torus Magnet and Solenoid Control and Monitoring Systems by Peter Bonneau - 2019-09-12
Note 2019-38Hall C: Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System (NPS) CAEN A7030TN Module Testing by Marc McMullen - 2019-10-01
Note 2019-39Hall C: Debugging Neutral Particle Spectrometer (NPS) CAEN SY4527 Mainframes and A7030TN High Voltage Boards with Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System (EPICS) CSStudio-BOY by Pablo Campero - 2019-10-15
Note 2019-40Hall C: High Momentum Spectrometer (HMS) and Super High Momentum Spectrometer (SHMS) Magnet Screens Conversion from HMI to CSStudio-BOY by Aaron Brown - 2019-12-11
Note 2019-41Hall B: Monitoring Software for the Ring Imaging Cherenkov (RICH) Detector Sensirion SHT85 Sensors by Mary Ann Antonioli - 2019-12-19
Note 2019-42Hall C: Using GECO to Debug the Neutral Particle Spectrometer (NPS) CAEN SY4527 Mainframe and A7030TN High Voltage Boards by Pablo Campero - 2019-12-20
Note 2019-43Hall B: sbRIO-based Multi-Sensor Excitation Low Voltage Chassis for the Sensor Readout of the Solenoid and Torus Magnets by Tyler Lemon - 2020-01-07
Note 2020-01Hall B: sbRIO Digital Communication within the Multi-Sensor Excitation Low Voltage Chassis for the Solenoid and Torus Magnet by Tyler Lemon - 2020-01-08
Note 2020-02Hall B: FPGA Command Engine Development for the Ring Imaging Cherenkov (RICH) Detector Hardware Interlock System Hall A: New PLC Proposal for the Power Supply Control System of the Dipole Magnet by Peter Bonneau - 2020-01-14
Note 2020-03DSG R&D: Local Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System (EPICS) Datalogger for Detector Instrumentation by Aaron Brown - 2020-01-16
Note 2020-04Hall B: Proposed Compressor for Air-Cooling Two Ring Imaging Cherenkov (RICH) Detectors
by George Jacobs - 2020-01-21
Note 2020-05Hall A: Planned Instrumentation, Controls and Monitoring, Datalogging, and Hardware Contributions to the Solenoidal Large Intensity Device (SoLID) Solenoid by Pablo Campero - 2020-02-13
Note 2020-06Hall B: Monitoring Software for Aerogel Dry Boxes for the Ring Imaging Cherenkov (RICH) Detector by Tyler Lemon - 2020-02-17
Note 2020-07Hall A: Constant Current Source Printed Circuit Board for Solenoidal Large Intensity Device (SoLID) Magnet Instrumentation by Marc McMullen - 2020-02-19
Note 2020-08Hall B: Reflectivity Tests for the Ring Imaging Cherenkov (RICH) Detector's Prototype Mirror
by Tyler Lemon - 2020-02-20
Note 2020-09Hall B: Gas Controls and Monitoring System for the BoNuS Experiment by Brian Eng - 2020-02-28
Note 2020-10Hall B: DAQ System for the Sensirion Humidity and Temperature Sensors Planned for the Ring Imaging Cherenkov Detector (RICH) by Peter Bonneau - 2020-03-31
Note 2020-11Hall B: Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System (EPICS) Monitoring of the Aerogel Storage Dry Boxes for the Ring Imaging Cherenkov (RICH) Detector by Tyler Lemon - 2020-04-03
Note 2020-12Hall B: Drift Chamber Gas System Configuration During MEDCON6
by Brian Eng - 2020-04-06
Note 2020-13Hall B: Summary of the BoNuS Experiment's Gas System Target Purge and Fill Issues by Tyler Lemon and Brian Eng - 2020-04-24
Note 2020-14HDice: Frequency-Swept NMR Program
by Tyler Lemon - 2020-04-24
Note 2020-15Hall C: Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System (EPICS) Control System Studio (CSS) Screens for the High Momentum Spectrometer (HMS) and the Super High Momentum Spectrometer (SHMS) by Mary Ann Antonioli - 2020-05-04
Note 2020-16Hall B: Upgrade of the Hardware Interlock System for the Silicon Vertex Tracker (SVT)
by Peter Bonneau - 2020-05-06
Note 2020-17Hall A: Instrumentation and Control System Drawings for Solenoidal Large Intensity Device (SoLID) Solenoid by Pablo Campero - 2020-05-19
Note 2020-18Hall C: Development of LabVIEW Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System (EPICS) Server for Testing CSS-BOY Magnets Screens for the High Momentum Spectrometer (HMS) and Super High Momentum Spectrometer (SHMS) by Aaron Brown - 2020-05-21
Note 2020-19Hall C: Stability Testing of the Neutral Particle Spectrometer (NPS) CAEN High Voltage Modules (A7030TN) by George Jacobs - 2020-05-27
Note 2020-20Hall A: Development of Readout Electronics for the Gas Flow Sensors for the Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) Detectors by Brian Eng and Marc McMullen - 2020-06-08
Note 2020-21Hall A & Hall C: Steps to Install and Run the HMI System
by Pablo Campero - 2020-06-16
Note 2020-22DSG R&D: Comparison of Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System (EPICS) Dataloggers for Detector Instrumentation by Aaron Brown - 2020-07-17
Note 2020-23DSG R&D: Test Operator Interface (OPI) Creator Program for CSStudio-BOY Screens
by Tyler Lemon - 2020-07-29
Note 2020-24Hall A: Two-dimensional and Three-dimensional Models of Solenoidal Large Intensity Device (SoLID) Magnet’s Structural Components by Pablo Campero - 2020-07-30
Note 2020-25Hall A: HMI and CSS Screens for Solenoidal Large Intensity Device (SoLID) Magnet Coils and Radiation Shield Temperatures by Pablo Campero and Mary Ann Antonioli - 2020-07-31
Note 2020-26Hall A: Controls and Monitoring Screens for Solenoidal Large Intensity Device (SoLID) Solenoid Neck Temperatures by Pablo Campero and Mary Ann Antonioli - 2020-08-11
Note 2020-27Hall A: Controls and Monitoring Screens for the Axial and Radial Supports of Solenoidal Large Intensity Device's (SoLID) Solenoid by Pablo Campero and Mary Ann Antonioli - 2020-08-25
Note 2020-28DSG R&D: Proposed Temperature and Humidity Digital Sensors for Interlock Systems of Detector Hardware by Peter Bonneau - 2020-08-27
Note 2020-29Hall A: Relay Board to Control JT Valve Motors of the Solenoidal Large Intensity Device (SoLID) Solenoid by Marc McMullen - 2020-09-01
Note 2020-30DSG R&D: Overview of Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System (EPICS) Control System Software (CSS) used in the Physics Division by Brian Eng - 2020-09-10
Note 2020-31Hall A: Expert Controls and Monitoring Screens for Radial and Axial Supports of the Solenoidal Large Intensity Device's (SoLID) Solenoid by Pablo Campero and Mary Ann Antonioli - 2020-09-14
Note 2020-32Hall A: Virtual Prototyping in NX 12 of the Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) Gas Flow Sensor Chassis by Tyler Lemon - 2020-09-22
Note 2020-33Hall A: Controls and Monitoring Screens for the Cryo Control Reservoir’s Instrumentation of the Solenoidal Large Intensity Device (SoLID) Solenoid by Pablo Campero and Mary Ann Antonioli - 2020-09-22
Note 2020-34Hall A: Temperature Controls and Monitoring System for the Hall A Solenoidal Large Intensity Device (SoLID) Solenoid by Pablo Campero and Mary Ann Antonioli - 2020-09-30
Note 2020-35Hall C: Sensors for the Hall C Neutral Particle Spectrometer (NPS)
by Peter Bonneau - 2021-01-01
Note 2021-01DSG R&D: Upgrade of the Hall B Magnets' Multi-sensor Excitation Low Voltage Chassis
by Peter Bonneau, Tyler Lemon, and Marc McMullen - 2021-02-11
Note 2021-02Hall A: Controls and Monitoring Screens for the Valves of the Solenoidal Large Intensity Device (SoLID) Solenoid by Pablo Campero and Mary Ann Antonioli - 2021-02-16
Note 2021-03Hall C: Report on the Results of the Tests Performed on the CAEN SY4527 Mainframes and A7030TN Modules for the Photomultiplier Tubes of the Neutral Particle Spectrometer (NPS)
by Aaron Brown, Mary Ann Antonioli, and George Jacobs - 2021-03-03
Note 2021-04Hall A: Selection of Digital Output Pressure Sensors for the Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) Detectors by Brian Eng - 2021-03-11
Note 2021-05Hall A: Pressure Control Panel for the Super Bigbite Spectrometer Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) Gas Distribution System by George Jacobs - 2021-03-17
Note 2021-06Hall C: Testing Results of CAEN Modules A1535 and A7435
by Mary Ann Antonioli, Aaron Brown, and George Jacobs - 2021-04-14
Note 2021-07Hall A: Testing and Results for the Constant Current Source Board for the Solenoidal Large Intensity Device (SoLID) Solenoid
by Marc McMullen, Peter Bonneau, Pablo Campero, and Mindy Leffel - 2021-04-29
Note 2021-08Hall B: Fail-Safe Nitrogen Purge System for the Ring Imaging Cherenkov (RICH) Detector Dry Cabinet by Tyler Lemon - 2021-06-10
Note 2021-09Hall A: Controls and Monitoring Screens for the Cryo Control Reservoir Valves of the Solenoidal Large Intensity Device (SoLID) Solenoid by Pablo Campero and Mary Ann Antonioli - 2021-06-11
Note 2021-10Hall C: Development of the CSStudio-BOY Overview Screen for the Neutral Particle Spectrometer (NPS) CAEN High Voltage System by Aaron Brown - 2021-06-25
Note 2021-11Hall B: Optimizing the I2C bus for the Second Ring Imaging Cherenkov (RICH-II) Hardware Interlock System by Tyler Lemon - 2021-07-09
Note 2021-12Hall A: The Gas Flow Monitoring System for the BigBite Spectrometer's Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) Detectors by Marc McMullen, Brian Eng, George Jacobs, Mindy Leffel, and Tyler Lemon - 2021-07-20
Note 2021-13Hall B: Thermal Analysis of sbRIO-9629 to be Used in the Second Ring Imaging Cherenkov (RICH-II) Hardware Interlock System by Tyler Lemon - 2021-07-23
Note 2021-14Hall B: Sensiron SHT-35 Sensor Board Design for the Second Ring Imaging Cherenkov (RICH-II) Detector by Marc McMullen, Peter Bonneau, Brian Eng, and Tyler Lemon - 2021-07-28
Note 2021-15Hall C: Hardware Interlock System for the Neutral Particle Spectrometer (NPS)
by Peter Bonneau - 2021-08-05
Note 2021-16Hall B: Testing of the SHT35 Sensor Printed Circuit Boards for the Second Ring Imaging Cherenkov (RICH II) by Tyler Lemon, Peter Bonneau, Marc McMullen, and Brian Eng - 2021-08-11
Note 2021-17Hall A: Evaluation of an ADC Module to be Used with the Raspberry Pi Single Board Computer for Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) Detectors by Brian Eng - 2021-08-20
Note 2021-18Hall A: Controls for Solenoidal Large Intensity Device (SoLID) Magnet Valves
by Pablo Campero - 2021-08-31
Note 2021-19Hall C: Testing of the High Voltage Cables to be Used for the NPS Photomultiplier Tubes
by Aaron Brown and George Jacobs - 2021-08-31
Note 2021-20Hall B: Design of the Nitrogen Gas Purge Panel for the Second Ring Imaging Cherenkov (RICH-II) Detector by George Jacobs - 2021-09-08
Note 2021-21Hall C: Program for the Hardware Interlock System of the Hall C Neutral Particle Spectrometer
by Peter Bonneau - 2021-09-16
Note 2021-22Hall B: Design of the Reconfigurable Input/Output Mezzanine Card for the Hardware Interlock System of Hall B’s Second Ring Imaging Cherenkov (RICH-II) Detector
by Marc McMullen, Peter Bonneau, and Tyler Lemon - 2021-09-29
Note 2021-23Hall B: LabVIEW User Interface for the Hardware Interlock System of the Second Ring Imaging Cherenkov (RICH-II) Detector by Pablo Campero - 2021-10-08
Note 2021-24Hall B: Selection of Parts for the Reconfigurable Input/Output Mezzanine Card of the Hardware Interlock System for Hall B's Second Ring Imaging Cherenkov (RICH-II) Detector by Tyler Lemon - 2021-10-12
Note 2021-25Hall C: Fabrication of the High Voltage Supply Cables for the Neutral Particle Spectrometer (NPS) Photomultiplier Tubes by Mindy Leffel and Aaron Brown - 2021-10-14
Note 2021-26Hall C: Temperature Display of the Front and Back Crystal Zones of the Neutral Particle Spectrometer (NPS) by Mary Ann Antonioli - 2021-10-14
Note 2021-27DSG R&D: The Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System (EPICS) User Interface for Hardware Interlock Systems by Peter Bonneau - 2021-10-15
Note 2021-28Hall C: Fabrication of Cables for the Photomultiplier Tubes of the Neutral Particle Spectrometer (NPS) by Mindy Leffel and Aaron Brown - 2021-10-29
Note 2021-29Hall B: The Backplane Board of the Hardware Interlock System for the Second Ring Imaging Cherenkov (RICH-II) Detector by Marc McMullen - 2021-10-29
Note 2021-30Hall C: Development of a Database for the Neutral Particle Spectrometer (NPS)
by Aaron Brown - 2021-11-01
Note 2021-31DSG: Proposal to Upgrade the Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System’s (EPICS) Graphical User Interface to Control System Studio Phoebus by Brian Eng - 2021-11-05
Note 2021-32Hall B: Minimum Reflected Spot Size Measurements for Hall B's Second Ring Imaging Cherenkov Detector (RICH-II) by Tyler Lemon - 2021-11-10
Note 2021-33Hall A: Proposal for the Simulation of Rockwell’s Enhanced Proportional Integral and Derivative Controls by Pablo Campero - 2021-11-10
Note 2021-34Hall B: Monitoring and Relay Controls of the Reconfigurable Input Output Mezzanine Card for the Second Ring Imaging Cherenkov (RICH-II) Detector’s Interlock System
by Marc McMullen, Peter Bonneau, and Tyler Lemon - 2021-11-15
Note 2021-35Hall C: LabVIEW Program for the Keysight Switch/Measure Unit of the Neutral Particle Spectrometer (NPS) by Aaron Brown - 2021-11-15
Note 2021-36Hall C: Pre-shaping of the Enhanced Specular Reflector Foil for the Neutral Particle Spectrometer (NPS) by George Jacobs, Mindy Leffel, and Aaron Brown - 2021-11-15
Note 2021-37Hall C: Proposal to Implement Alarm System in Control System Studio Phoebus for the Hall C Neutral Particle Spectrometer (NPS) by Peter Bonneau - 2021-12-03
Note 2021-38Hall A: Drawings for Wiring of Hall A Solenoidal Large Intensity Device (SoLID) Instrumentation
by Mary Ann Antonioli and Pablo Campero - 2021-12-16
Note 2021-39Hall A: Multi-Channel Remote Gas Controls System for the Hall A Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) Detectors by Brian Eng and Marc McMullen - 2021-12-16
Note 2021-40Hall B: Design of a Chassis to House the Hardware Interlock System Components of Hall B’s Second Ring Imaging Cherenkov (RICH-II) Detector by Tyler Lemon - 2022-05-24
Note 2022-01Hall A: NX12 Model of the Hall A Solenoidal Large Intensity Device (SoLID) Magnet Voltage Tap Locations by Marc McMullen - 2022-06-06
Note 2022-02Hall C: Ansys Steady State Thermal Analysis of the Engineered Cooling Design for the Lead Tungstate Crystals of the Hall C Neutral Particle Spectrometer (NPS) by Aaron Brown - 2022-06-10
Note 2022-03Hall C: Development of the Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System (EPICS) Phoebus Controls and Monitoring System for Hall C's Neutral Particle Spectrometer's (NPS) High Voltage Channels by Aaron Brown - 2022-06-15
Note 2022-04Hall B: Pressure Controls Upgrade of the Hall B Low Threshold Cherenkov Counters (LTCC)
by Marc McMullen - 2022-06-30
Note 2022-05Hall B: Engineered Hardware Interlock System for Hall B's Second Ring-Imaging Cherenkov (RICH-II) Detector by Tyler Lemon - 2022-07-21
Note 2022-06Hall C: Development of the Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System (EPICS) Software Input/Output Controller for Testing the Phoebus Alarm System of the Hall C Neutral Particle Spectrometer (NPS) by Peter Bonneau - 2022-07-26
Note 2022-07Hall B: Testing of the Spherical Mirrors of the Second Hall B Ring Imaging Cherenkov (RICH-II) Detector by Tyler Lemon - 2022-09-02
Note 2022-08Hall B: Reflectivity Testing of Hall B Ring Imaging Cherenkov (RICH) Detector's Spherical Mirrors by Tyler Lemon - 2022-09-09
Note 2022-09EIC: Thermal Analysis of the Beryllium Beampipe at Interaction Point 6 of the Electron Ion Collider (EIC) by Pablo Campero - 2022-09-09
Note 2022-10Hall C: Back-potting and Testing of Cables Fabricated for the Photomultiplier Tubes of the Hall C Neutral Particle Spectrometer (NPS) by Aaron Brown, George Jacobs, and Mindy Leffel - 2022-11-04
Note 2022-11Hall C: Ansys Steady State Analysis of the Lead Tungstate Crystals of the Neutral Particle Spectrometer (NPS) by Aaron Brown - 2022-11-11
Note 2022-12Hall C: LabVIEW Control and Monitoring Software for the Neutral Particle Spectrometer (NPS)
by Mary Ann Antonioli and Aaron Brown - 2022-11-22
Note 2022-13Hall A: Tests for the Hall A Electromagnetic Calorimeter (ECAL) Supermodule Heater
by Marc McMullen and Brian Eng - 2022-12-05
Note 2022-14EIC: Data Acquisition Proposals for the Electron Ion Collider (EIC) Detection of Internally Reflected Cherenkov Light (DIRC) Laser Test Stand by Tyler Lemon - 2022-12-13
Note 2022-15Hall A: Prototype Instrumentation and Testing of Moller Coil 3
by Brian Eng - 2022-12-15
Note 2022-16DSG R&D: Automated Startup and Sequencing of the CS-Studio Phoebus Alarm System Core Programs by Peter Bonneau - 2022-12-21
Note 2022-17Hall A: Solenoidal Large Intensity Device (SoLID) Magnet Control and Monitoring Status
by Pablo Campero - 2023-02-13
Note 2023-01EIC: Design and Features of the Detection of Internally Reflected Cherenkov Light (DIRC) Laser Lab's Laser Interlock System by Tyler Lemon - 2023-02-16
Note 2023-02Hall A: Solenoidal Large Intensity Device (SoLID) Magnet Alarm Handler and Email Notification System by Pablo Campero - 2023-02-21
Note 2023-03DSG R&D: Debugging CS-Studio Phoebus Version 4.6.10 Used for the Development of the Alarm System by Peter Bonneau - 2023-02-21
Note 2023-04Hall B: Upgrading the Magnet FastDAQ System with Additional Voltage Taps
by Brian Eng - 2023-02-24
Note 2023-05Hall C: Error Handling for the Keysight Thermal Readback System of the Neutral Particle Spectrometer (NPS) by Aaron Brown - 2023-02-28
Note 2023-06DSG R&D: Testing of the CS-Studio Phoebus Applications and Alarm System Core Programs
by Peter Bonneau - 2023-03-03
Note 2023-07Hall A: Standalone Stray Field Mapping Units for CLEO Solenoid
by Brian Eng - 2023-03-07
Note 2023-08Hall C: Testing of the Keysight Extension Cables for the Hall C Neutral Particle Spectrometer (NPS) by Aaron Brown - 2023-03-07
Note 2023-09EIC: Ansys Thermal Analysis of the Electron Ion Collider’s (EIC) Beryllium Beampipe Section
by Pablo Campero - 2023-03-07
Note 2023-10EIC: Evaluating Altium for Circuit Simulation Using the Detection of Internally Reflected Cherenkov Light (DIRC) Laser Interlock Circuit by Tyler Lemon - 2023-03-08
Note 2023-11Hall A: Heater Control and Monitoring for the Electromagnetic Calorimeter (ECAL) Test Stand
by Marc McMullen - 2023-04-19
Note 2023-12DSG R&D: Development of the Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System (EPICS) SoftIOC for the Phoebus Alarm System Testing
by Aaron Brown - 2023-04-19
Note 2023-13DSG R&D: Upgrade of CS-Studio Phoebus and Alarm System Core Support Programs
by Peter Bonneau - 2023-04-28
Note 2023-14EIC: Design and Simulation of the Photodiode Readout Circuit for the Quartz Bar Acceptance Tests of the Electron Ion Collider's (EIC) Detection of Internally Reflected Cherenkov Light (DIRC) Detector by Tyler Lemon - 2023-04-28
Note 2023-15Hall A: Integrating Siemens Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) with the Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System (EPICS) by Brian Eng - 2023-04-28
Note 2023-16EIC: Ansys Thermal Analysis of the Beamline Test Stand for the Electron Ion Collider (EIC)
by Pablo Campero - 2023-05-01
Note 2023-17EIC: Design of a Single Power Supply Op-Amp Circuit for the Photodiode Readout of the Electron Ion Collider's (EIC) Detection of Internally Reflected Cherenkov Light (DIRC) Detector
by Tyler Lemon - 2023-05-04
Note 2023-18DSG R&D: Debugging the Phoebus Alarm System Annunciator
by Peter Bonneau - 2023-05-05
Note 2023-19Hall A: Analysis of the Field Mapping Data of the CLEO Magnet
by Brian Eng - 2023-05-05
Note 2023-20Hall C: Ansys Transient Thermal Analysis of the Neutral Particle Spectrometer's (NPS) Lead Tungstate Crystals by Aaron Brown - 2023-05-10
Note 2023-21Hall C: Ansys Thermal Analysis of the Neutral Particle Spectrometer (NPS)
by Pablo Campero - 2023-05-31
Note 2023-22Hall C: Phoebus Screens for the Neutral Particle Spectrometer (NPS)
by Mary Ann Antonioli - 2023-06-06
Note 2023-23DSG R&D: Detector Signal Simulator for Testing the Hall C Neutral Particle Spectrometer’s (NPS) Phoebus Alarm System by Peter Bonneau - 2023-06-13
Note 2023-24EIC: Ansys Fluent Thermal Analysis of the Beamline Test Stand Assembled with Aerogel
by Pablo Campero - 2023-06-20
Note 2023-25Hall A: Improving Time Accuracy on Field Mapping Units for the CLEO Magnet
by Brian Eng - 2023-07-24
Note 2023-26EIC: Control and Monitoring of Beampipe Test Stand for the Electron Ion Collider (EIC)
by Marc McMullen - 2023-07-25
Note 2023-27DSG R&D: Testing the Phoebus Alarm System for the Neutral Particle Spectrometer (NPS)
by Aaron Brown - 2023-07-25
Note 2023-28EIC: User Interface for the Laser Acceptance Tests of the Quartz Bars for the Detection of Internally Reflected Cherenkov Light (DIRC) Detector by Tyler Lemon - 2023-07-27
Note 2023-29EIC: Mechanical Design of the Electron Ion Collider (EIC) Beampipe Thermal Test Stand
by George Jacobs - 2023-07-31
Note 2023-30EIC: Regression Analysis of the Electron Ion Collider (EIC) Test Stand’s Measured Data and Ansys Fluent Simulated by Pablo Campero - 2023-08-22
Note 2023-31Hall B: System on a Chip (SoC) Microcontroller for End Station Deployments of Gas Systems
by Brian Eng - 2023-08-29
Note 2023-32DSG R&D: Design and Implementation of Detector Signal Simulator Templates for the Development and Testing of the Hall C Neutral Particle Spectrometer’s (NPS) Phoebus Alarm System by Peter Bonneau - 2023-08-29
Note 2023-33EIC: Evaluating Reflectivity Test Station for UV Measurements
by Tyler Lemon - 2023-08-30
Note 2023-34Hall C: Debugging of Neutral Particle Spectrometer's (NPS) CAEN SY4527 High Voltage Mainframe Issues by Aaron Brown - 2023-08-30
Note 2023-35EIC: Ansys Fluent Thermal Analysis of the Beamline Test Stand
by Pablo Campero - 2023-09-05
Note 2023-36Hall C: Overview of Control and Monitoring Software for the Neutral Particle Spectrometer (NPS) by Mary Ann Antonioli - 2023-09-11
Note 2023-37Hall C: The Configuring and Reading the Keysight Unit for the Neutral Particle Spectrometer (NPS) Control and Monitor Software by Mary Ann Antonioli - 2023-09-14
Note 2023-38Hall C: The Subroutine to Read the Configuration File for the Neutral Particle Spectrometer (NPS) Control and Monitor Software by Mary Ann Antonioli - 2023-09-14
Note 2023-39DSG R&D: Design Proposal for a Deep UV-capable Probe Assembly for DSG's Reflectivity Test Station by Tyler Lemon - 2023-09-28
Note 2023-40Hall C: Calculating Averages and Standard Deviations for the Neutral Particle Spectrometer (NPS) Control and Monitor Software by Mary Ann Antonioli - 2023-09-28
Note 2023-41Hall B: First Results from the Environmental Monitoring System
by Brian Eng - 2023-09-29
Note 2023-42Hall C: Setting Interlocks and Latches in the Neutral Particle Spectrometer (NPS) Control and Monitor Software by Mary Ann Antonioli - 2023-10-04
Note 2023-43DSG R&D: Development of the CS-Studio Phoebus Alarm System for the EIC-DIRC Laser Interlock by Peter Bonneau - 2023-10-13
Note 2023-44Hall C: Modeling and Meshing the Neutral Particle Spectrometer (NPS) for Ansys Fluent Simulation by Pablo Campero - 2023-10-27
Note 2023-45EIC: Study of an Exit Sign's Light Output in EIC DIRC's Laser Test Area
by Tyler Lemon - 2023-10-27
Note 2023-46Hall C: Control and Monitor Chiller Software for the Neutral Particle Spectrometer (NPS)
by Mary Ann Antonioli - 2023-10-27
Note 2023-47Hall A: Control and Monitor Software for the Prototype Heaters of Hall A’s Six-Supermodule Electromagnetic Calorimeter (ECAL) by Marc McMullen - 2023-10-30
Note 2023-48Hall C: Computing Requirements for Ansys Fluent Thermal Analysis of the Neutral Particle Spectrometer (NPS) by Pablo Campero - 2023-11-07
Note 2023-49DSG R&D: Development and Implementation of the Phoebus Alarm System Software Packages for the Laser Interlock System by Peter Bonneau - 2023-11-10
Note 2023-50EIC: Design of Data Acquisition Circuit and Data Acquisition Program for EIC DIRC's Quartz Bar Quality Assurance Tests by Tyler Lemon - 2023-11-13
Note 2023-51Hall C: Ansys Mechanical Transient Thermal Simulation and Analysis of a Crystal of the Neutral Particle Spectrometer (NPS) by Pablo Campero - 2023-11-14
Note 2023-52Hall C: A Revision to the Neutral Particle Spectrometer (NPS) Control and Monitoring Software
by Mary Ann Antonioli - 2023-12-04
Note 2023-53Hall A: Safety System for the Six-Supermodule Prototype of the Hall A Electromagnetic Calorimeter (ECAL) by Marc McMullen - 2023-12-13
Note 2023-54EIC: Data Acquisition Board for Testing the EIC DIRC Quartz Bars
by Marc McMullen - 2023-12-14
Note 2023-55EIC: Ansys Fluent Thermal Analysis of the EIC Beampipe
by Pablo Campero - 2023-12-19
Note 2023-56DSG R&D: Signal Simulator for Developing and Testing Phoebus Alarm System Software Packages for the Interlocks of the EIC DIRC Quartz Bar Laser Testing Lab by Peter Bonneau - 2023-12-19
Note 2023-57EIC: Data Acquisition Program for EIC DIRC Quartz Bar Quality Assurance Tests
by Tyler Lemon - 2023-12-21
Note 2023-58Hall C: Comparison of Ansys Thermal Simulations and Analyses Results to Temperature Data of the Current Neutral Particle Spectrometer's (NPS) Run by Aaron Brown - 2024-02-06
Note 2024-01Hall A: Design of the Power Supply Chassis for the Electromagnetic Calorimeter (ECAL)
by Marc McMullen - 2024-02-07
Note 2024-02Hall C: Neutral Particle Spectrometer’s (NPS) Control and Monitoring LabVIEW Code, Version 2
by Mary Ann Antonioli - 2024-02-16
Note 2024-03DSG R&D: EPICS Alarm System in Phoebus
by Peter Bonneau - 2024-02-20
Note 2024-04Hall A: Moller Magnet Power Supply Remote Communication with Siemens PLC
by Brian Eng - 2024-02-23
Note 2024-05Hall C: Testing, Analysis, and Debugging of the Neutral Particle Spectrometer (NPS) High Voltage Supply Cables by Aaron Brown - 2024-02-26
Note 2024-06Hall A: Test Stand Design for the Large Area Picosecond Photodiode Detector (LAPPD)
by Marc McMullen - 2024-03-01
Note 2024-07DSG R&D: Distributed Phoebus Alarm System for the Electron-Ion Collider’s Detection of Internally Reflected Cerenkov-Light Detector by Peter Bonneau - 2024-03-05
Note 2024-08EIC: Test Station for Reflectivity Measurements in the Deep Ultraviolet Region
by Tyler Lemon - 2024-03-07
Note 2024-09EIC: Wiring Diagram for the Laser Interlock Control Unit
by Mary Ann Antonioli - 2024-03-11
Note 2024-10Hall C: Testing New Keysight Scanning Method for Neutral Particle Spectrometer (NPS)
by Aaron Brown - 2024-03-11
Note 2024-11Hall A: Use of Python as Replacement Magnet Power Supply Remote Interface
by Brian Eng - 2024-03-12
Note 2024-12Hall A:Light Emitting Diode Box Design for the Large Area Picosecond Photodetector (LAPPD) Test Stand by Pablo Campero - 2024-03-26
Note 2024-13Hall A: Archiving Hall A Electromagnetic Calorimeter’s (ECAL) Heater System Data
by Marc McMullen - 2024-03-28
Note 2024-14DSG R&D: Automatic Startup and Initialization of the Phoebus Alarm System Software Packages by Peter Bonneau - 2024-04-02
Note 2024-15Hall C: Version 3 of the Neutral Particle Spectrometer’s (NPS) Control and Monitoring LabVIEW Code by Mary Ann Antonioli - 2024-04-04
Note 2024-16EIC: Suspension Test for the Quartz Bar Shipping Crates
by Tyler Lemon - 2024-04-05
Note 2024-17Hall A: Refinements and Printing of the Light Emitting Diode Box for the Large Area Picosecond Photodetector (LAPPD) Test Stand by Pablo Campero - 2024-04-08
Note 2024-18Hall C: Debugging the Thermocouple Readback Issues of the Neutral Particle Spectrometer (NPS)
by Aaron Brown - 2024-04-10
Note 2024-19Hall B: Adding Readout of Flow Switches for Torus Magnet Power Supply
by Brian Eng - 2024-05-20
Note 2024-20Hall A: Ansys Simulation for the Large Area Picosecond Photodetector’s (LAPPD) Support Structure Deformation by Pablo Campero - 2024-06-25
Note 2024-21Hall A: Power Supply Interface Chassis for the Electromagnetic Calorimeter
by Marc McMullen - 2024-06-27
Note 2024-22Hall B: Erratic Cernox Readout of the Torus
by Brian Eng - 2024-06-28
Note 2024-23DSG R&D: Development of the Phoebus Test System
by Peter Bonneau - 2024-07-01
Note 2024-24Hall A: Code for Siemens PLC to Communicate with Moller MPS
by Aaron Brown - 2024-07-01
Note 2024-25EIC: Installation of EIC DIRC Quality Assurance Laser Lab Interlock System
by Tyler Lemon - 2024-07-09
Note 2024-26Hall A: LabVIEW Program for Positioning the Gantry System of the Test Stand for Hall A’s Large Area Picosecond Photodetector (LAPPD)
by Pablo Campero - 2024-07-26
Note 2024-27Hall A: Improvements to the Gas Controls and Monitoring System of Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) Detectors
by Brian Eng - 2024-07-29
Note 2024-28Hall A: Gas Filter Holder Design for the Hall A Gas Electron Multiplier Detector
by Marc McMullen - 2024-07-29
Note 2024-29EIC: Analysis Program to Calculate Focused Spot Size
by Tyler Lemon - 2024-07-31
Note 2024-30DSG R&D: Prototype Phoebus Alarm Handler Test System
by Peter Bonneau - 2024-08-05
Note 2024-31Hall A: Upgrade of the Large Area Picosecond Photodetector’s (LAPPD) LabVIEW Program
by Pablo Campero - 2024-08-06
Note 2024-32Hall A: Testing the PLC's Code to Communicate with Moller MPS
by Aaron Brown - 2024-08-22
Note 2024-33Hall A: Power Supply Interface Chassis Test stand for Hall A’s Electromagnetic Calorimeter
by Marc McMullen - 2024-08-22
Note 2024-34EIC: Quartz Bar Heating Prototype for the Electron Ion Collider's Detection of Internally Reflected Cherenkov Light Detector
by Tyler Lemon - 2024-08-26
Note 2024-35Hall A: Gantry Positioning System’s LabVIEW Program Upgrades for Hall A’s Large Area Picosecond Photodetector (LAPPD) Test Stand
by Pablo Campero - 2014-08-14
Talk 2014-01Hall D: Target Controls
by Robert Teachey - 2014-09-09
Talk 2014-02Hall B: HPS Interlock
by Brian Eng - 2015-01-30
Talk 2015-01Hall B: Proposal for Drift Chamber Gas System
by David Butler - 2015-03-24
Talk 2015-02Hall B: Proposal for Detectors' Gas Systems
by David Butler - 2016-04-05
Talk 2016-01HDice: Progress Review of Controls and Monitoring System
by Peter Bonneau - 2016-04-22
Talk 2016-02Hall B: Controls & Monitoring for Gas System
by Marc McMullen - 2016-04-26
Talk 2016-03DSG: DSG Report
by Amrit Yegneswaran - 2016-05-04
Talk 2016-04Hall D: Voltage Taps Database in SQLite
by Amanda Hoebel - 2016-05-18
Talk 2016-05Hall B: Ring Imaging Cherenkov (RICH) Detector Status Update
by Tyler Lemon - 2016-06-02
Talk 2016-06Hall D: Solenoid PLC Controls
by Pablo Campero - 2016-06-24
Talk 2016-07Hall B: Micromegas Vertex Tracker (MVT) Gas Mixing System
by George Jacobs - 2016-08-23
Talk 2016-08HDice: Review of Controls and Monitoring System
by Peter Bonneau - 2016-08-23
Talk 2016-09Hall B: Ring Imaging Cherenkov (RICH) Detector Status Report
by Tyler Lemon - 2016-08-18
Talk 2016-10Hall B: Forward Tagger Status Report
by Amanda Hoebel - 2016-09-08
Talk 2016-11Hall B: Hardware Review of Detectors' Gas System
by George Jacobs - 2016-09-08
Talk 2016-12Hall B: Software Review of Detectors' Gas System
by Marc McMullen - 2016-09-16
Talk 2016-13Hall B: Silicon Vertex Tracker (SVT) Noise Test
by Brian Eng - 2016-09-23
Talk 2016-14Hall B: Magnet Status Report
by Pablo Campero - 2016-10-06
Talk 2016-15Hall B: Ring Imaging Cherenkov (RICH) Detector Status Update
by Tyler Lemon - 2017-03-08
Talk 2017-01Hall B: Ring Imaging Cherenkov (RICH) Detector Assembly Status
by DSG - 2017-03-15
Talk 2017-02HDice: Controls and Monitoring Status Report
by Amanda Hoebel - 2017-03-22
Talk 2017-03Hall B: Solenoid Status Report
by Pablo Campero - Talk 2017-04Hall D: Forward Drift Chamber (FDC) Overview
by Amanda Hoebel - 2017-04-26
Talk 2017-05Hall D: Central Drift Chamber (CDC) Overview
by Tyler Lemon - 2017-05-31
Talk 2017-06Hall B: Ring Imaging Cherenkov (RICH) Detector Exit Window Assembly
by Tyler Lemon - Talk 2017-07Hall B: Low Threshold Cherenkov Counter (LTCC) Leak Analysis
by Amanda Hoebel - Talk 2017-08Hall B: Ring Imaging Cherenkov (RICH) Detector Reflectivity Test Station Calculations
by Amanda Hoebel - 2017-07-19
Talk 2017-09Hall B: Ring Imaging Cherenkov (RICH) Detector Reflectivity Test Station Error Propagation
by Tyler Lemon - 2017-06-20
Talk 2017-10Hall B: Low Threshold Cherenkov Counter (LTCC) Leak Study
by Marc McMullen - 2017-08-30
Talk 2017-11Hall B: Ring Imaging Cherenkov (RICH) Detector Spherical Mirror Reflectivity Test
by Tyler Lemon - 2017-09-06
Talk 2017-12Hall B: Detectors' Gas Systems Status
by George Jacobs - 2017-09-21
Talk 2017-13Hall B: CLAS12 Solenoid Pre-power-up Interlock Checkout
by Brian Eng - 2017-09-20
Talk 2017-14DSG R&D: Test Stand for CompactRIO Analog Input Modules
by Mary Ann Antonioli - 2018-01-03
Talk 2018-01Hall B: Micromegas Vertex Tracker (MVT) Gas Mixing System Status
by Marc McMullen - 2018-01-17
Talk 2018-02Hall B: Magnet Issues from 1/12/17 to 1/15/18
by Pablo Campero - 2018-01-17
Talk 2018-03Hall B: Ring Imaging Cherenkov (RICH) Detector Issues from 1/12/17 to 1/15/18
by Tyler Lemon - 2018-01-24
Talk 2018-04Hall B: Radial Time Projection Chamber (RTPC) Status Update
by Marc McMullen - 2018-01-24
Talk 2018-05Hall B: Magnet Issues from 1/16/18 to 1/24/18
by Tyler Lemon - 2018-01-31
Talk 2018-06Hall B: Magnet Issues from 1/24/18 to 1/31/18
by Brian Eng - 2018-01-31
Talk 2018-07Hall B: Silicon Vertex Tracker (SVT) Performance During Engineering Run
by Peter Bonneau - 2018-02-07
Talk 2018-08Hall B: Silicon Vertex Tracker (SVT) Task Request and Status
by Brian Eng - 2018-02-14
Talk 2018-09Hall B: Low Threshold Cherenkov Counter (LTCC) C4F10 Distillation and Recovery Process
by George Jacobs - 2018-02-21
Talk 2018-10Hall B: Silicon Vertex Tracker (SVT) Leak Sensor Debugging
by Pablo Campero - 2018-03-05
Talk 2018-11HDice: NMR Synchronization Status
by Peter Bonneau - 2018-03-21
Talk 2018-12Hall B: Silicon Vertex Tracker (SVT) Hardware Interlock System Update
by Peter Bonneau - 2018-03-20
Talk 2018-13Hall B: Low Threshold Cherenkov Counter (LTCC) Single Sector Test Status Update
by George Jacobs - 2018-04-04
Talk 2018-14Hall B: Ring Imaging Cherenkov (RICH) Detector Health Report
by Tyler Lemon - 2018-04-11
Talk 2018-15Hall B: Torus Magnet and Solenoid Health Report
by Pablo Campero - 2018-05-04
Talk 2018-16Hall B: Silicon Vertex Tracker (SVT) Health Report
by Amanda Hoebel and Brian Eng - 2018-05-09
Talk 2018-17Hall B: Detector Gas Controls Health Report
by Marc McMullen - 2018-05-01
Talk 2018-18Hall B: Low Threshold Cherenkov Counter (LTCC) Gas System Status
by George Jacobs - 2018-08-08
Talk 2018-19Hall B: Ring Imaging Cherenkov (RICH) Detector Interlock Trip on August 7, 2018
by Tyler Lemon - 2018-08-14
Talk 2018-20Hall B: Radial Time Projection Chamber (RTPC) Gas System
by George Jacobs - 2018-10-11
Talk 2018-21Hall A: Solenoidal Large Intensity Device (SoLID) Heavy Gas Cherenkov (HGC) Gas System
by George Jacobs - 2018-10-16
Talk 2018-22DSG: Select Projects 2018
by Amrit Yegneswaran - 2018-12-05
Talk 2018-23Hall C: Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System (EPICS) Controls and Monitoring System by Peter Bonneau - 2019-02-22
Talk 2019-01HALL B: Low Threshold Cherenkov Counter (LTCC) Supply and Recovery System
by Marc McMullen - 2019-03-20
Talk 2019-02HALL B: Solenoid Fast Dump Investigation
by Pablo Campero - 2019-03-20
Talk 2019-03HALL B: d0 Test Improvements for the Ring Imaging Cherenkov (RICH) Detector
by Tyler Lemon - 2019-03-20
Talk 2019-04HALL C: EPICS CSV-to-CSS for HMS Detector Controls and Monitoring Screens
by Amanda Hoebel - 2019-03-27
Talk 2019-05DSG R&D: Testing of cRIO Analog Output Module NI-9265
by Mary Ann Antonioli - 2019-03-27
Talk 2019-06HALL A: PLC Upgrade of the Dynapower Magnet Protection System
by Brian Eng - 2019-03-30
Talk 2019-07DSG R&D: CAEN SY4527 Crate and A7435SN Module Test Stand
by Marc McMullen - 2019-04-03
Talk 2019-08DSG R&D: Super High Momentum Spectrometer (SHMS)-High Momentum Spectrometer (HMS) - Data Transfer between PLC and Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System (EPICS)
by Pablo Campero - 2019-04-12
Talk 2019-09DSG R&D: Improvements of the Temperature and Humidity Measurement System Using Sensirion SHT85 Sensor by Peter Bonneau - 2019-04-15
Talk 2019-10HALL C: Work Status Report on Controls and Monitoring Systems
by Peter Bonneau - 2019-04-17
Talk 2019-11HDICE: Status of HDice Controls and Monitoring Instrumentation and Software Development
by Amanda Hoebel - 2019-05-01
Talk 2019-12HALLS A, B, C, & D: Controls and Monitoring Systems for Magnets
by Pablo Campero - 2019-07-19
Talk 2019-13HALL C: High Voltage Backup/Restore Program Improvements for Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System (EPICS) Controls and Monitoring System by Tyler Lemon - 2019-08-06
Talk 2019-14HALL A: Gas Distribution for BigBite and Super BigBite Spectrometers
by Marc McMullen - 2019-08-07
Talk 2019-15HALL C: Neutral Particle Spectrometer (NPS) CAEN High Voltage Test Results
by Pablo Campero - 2019-08-07
Talk 2019-16HALL D: Conversion of CSS-BOY Screens to WEDM
by Tyler Lemon - 2019-06-28
Talk 2019-17HALL B: DSG-Designed Gas Controls and Monitoring Systems
by Marc McMullen - 2019-07-18
Talk 2019-18HALL A: Honeywell Zephyr HAF Series High Accuracy Mass Flow Meters for Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) Detector Gas Distribution System by George Jacobs - 2019-08-21
Talk 2019-19DSG R&D: NI 9871 Module Testing Progress Report
by Aaron Brown - 2019-08-21
Talk 2019-20HALL C: Issues with CAEN SY4527 Software/Firmware and A7030TN Modules for Neutral Particle Spectrometer (NPS) by Marc McMullen - 2019-09-04
Talk 2019-21DSG R&D: Low Voltage Chassis Improvements for Solenoid's and Torus Magnet's Sensor Readout by Tyler Lemon - 2019-09-04
Talk 2019-22HALL A: Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) Detector Gas Distribution System Rack
by George Jacobs - 2019-08-27
Talk 2019-23HALL B: FastDAQ for PLC/Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System (EPICS) Communication of the Solenoid and Torus Magnet by Brian Eng - 2019-09-11
Talk 2019-24DSG R&D: NI 9871 Module Testing Progress Report
by Aaron Brown - 2019-08-06
Talk 2019-25HALL C: CAEN SY4527 High Voltage Test Chassis Development for Neutral Particle Spectrometer (NPS) by Marc McMullen - 2019-10-23
Talk 2019-26DSG: Select Instrumentation and Controls and Monitoring Software Development Projects
by Amrit Yegneswaran - 2019-10-30
Talk 2019-27Hall B: Cooling System Optimization for the Ring Imaging Cherenkov (RICH) Detector
by Tyler Lemon - 2019-11-05
Talk 2019-28Hall B: BoNuS Gas Controls System
by Brian Eng - 2019-11-06
Talk 2019-29DSG R&D: Proposed Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System (EPICS) Data Logger
by Aaron Brown - 2019-11-06
Talk 2019-30Hall C: Neutral Particle Spectrometer (NPS) CAEN High Voltage Test Results
by Pablo Campero - 2019-12-04
Talk 2019-31Hall C: CAEN SY4527 High Voltage Tests for Neutral Particle Spectrometer (NPS)
by Pablo Campero - 2019-12-04
Talk 2019-32Hall B: sbRIO-based Upgrade of MSELV Chassis for Solenoid and Torus Magnet
by Tyler Lemon - 2019-10-30
Talk 2019-33Hall C: Neutral Particle Spectrometer (NPS) CAEN SY4527 High Voltage Board Tests
by Marc McMullen - 2019-12-18
Talk 2019-34Hall B: Additional Features for MSELV Chassis with sbRIO for Solenoid and Torus Magnet Sensors by Tyler Lemon - 2019-12-17
Talk 2019-35Hall A: Design and Routing of the Constant Current Source Board for Solenoidal Large Intensity Device (SoLID) by Marc McMullen - 2020-02-06
Talk 2020-01Hall C: CAEN High Voltage Systems Testing Game Plan for Neutral Particle Spectrometer (NPS)
by Aaron Brown - 2020-02-05
Talk 2020-02Hall B: Prototype Mirror Testing for Ring Imaging Cherenkov (RICH) Detector
by Tyler Lemon - 2020-02-12
Talk 2020-03Hall B: Mirror Reflectivity Test Station Upgrade Proposal for Ring Imaging Cherenkov (RICH) Detector by Tyler Lemon - 2020-02-11
Talk 2020-04Hall A: Solenoidal Large Intensity Device (SoLID) Magnet's Constant Current Source Printed Circuit Board by Marc McMullen - 2020-02-19
Talk 2020-05Hall A: Solenoidal Large Intensity Device (SoLID) Magnet's Instrumentation and Controls and Monitoring System Status by Pablo Campero - 2020-04-29
Talk 2020-06Hall A/C: Jefferson Lab Physics Division Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System (EPICS) Controls and Monitoring System by Tyler Lemon - 2020-05-04
Talk 2020-07Hall C: HMI and Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System (EPICS) for High Momentum Spectrometer (HMS) and Super High Momentum Spectrometer (SHMS) Systems
by Pablo Campero - 2020-05-27
Talk 2020-08DSG: Jefferson Lab's Computer Network System
by Peter Bonneau - 2020-06-03
Talk 2020-09HDice: DSG Contributions to Instrumentation and Controls and Monitoring Systems
by Tyler Lemon - 2020-06-08
Talk 2020-10DSG: Work Safety at Jefferson Lab During Elevated MedCon Conditions
by Marc McMullen - 2020-06-11
Talk 2020-11HDice: Frequency-Swept NMR Program Features
by Tyler Lemon - 2020-06-10
Talk 2020-12Hall A: PLC Control Systems for Solenoidal Large Intensity Device (SoLID)
by Pablo Campero - 2020-06-15
Talk 2020-13Hall C: Status of Neutral Particle Spectrometer (NPS) CAEN System Testing Analysis
by George Jacobs - 2020-06-24
Talk 2020-14Hall C: Controls and Monitoring Screens Development for Neutral Particle Spectrometer (NPS)
by Aaron Brown - 2020-06-24
Talk 2020-15Hall A: Controls and Monitoring System for Solenoidal Large Intensity Device (SoLID)
by Pablo Campero - 2020-06-22
Talk 2020-16Hall B: Re-establishing R3 Drift Chamber Gas Supply
by Brian Eng and Marc McMullen - 2020-06-24
Talk 2020-17Hall A & Hall C: Test OPI Creator for Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System (EPICS) CSS-BOY Screens by Tyler Lemon - 2020-06-29
Talk 2020-18Hall A: Solenoidal Large Intensity Device (SoLID) Magnet's Motor Controller Relay Board
by Marc McMullen - 2020-06-25
Talk 2020-19Hall A: Super BigBite and BigBite Gas Distribution System Flow Readout Electronics
by Brian Eng and Marc McMullen - 2020-07-04
Talk 2020-20Hall A & Hall C: Generating CSS-BOY Screens for Magnet and Detector Instrumentation Controls and Monitoring by Mary Ann Antonioli - 2020-07-10
Talk 2020-21Hall A: Solenoidal Large Intensity Device (SoLID) Solenoid - Design and Development Highlights by Mary Ann Antonioli, Pablo Campero, Tyler Lemon, and Marc McMullen - 2020-08-13
Talk 2020-22Hall C: DSG Contributions to Neutral Particle Spectrometer (NPS)
by Aaron Brown - 2020-08-17
Talk 2020-23Hall A: Gas Distribution and Monitoring System for the Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) Detectors
by Marc McMullen, Brian Eng, George Jacobs, and Tyler Lemon - 2020-08-12
Talk 2020-24Hall A: Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) Gas Flow Sensor Chassis
by Tyler Lemon - 2020-08-27
Talk 2020-25Hall C: DSG Neutral Particle Spectrometer (NPS) Update
by Aaron Brown - 2020-09-03
Talk 2020-26Hall C: Neutral Particle Spectrometer (NPS) High Voltage Schematic
by Aaron Brown - 2020-09-03
Talk 2020-27DSG R&D: CLAS12 Silicon Vertex Tracker (SVT) Concept to Implementation
by Brian Eng - 2020-09-29
Talk 2020-28Hall A: Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) Exhaust Flow Sensor Box
by Tyler Lemon - 2020-10-01
Talk 2020-29Hall C: Neutral Particle Spectrometer (NPS) Collaborator's Meeting DSG Update
by Aaron Brown - 2020-10-12
Talk 2020-30Hall A: Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) Prototype Gas Distribution System
by Marc McMullen - 2020-10-19
Talk 2020-31Hall A: Solenoidal Large Intensity Device (SoLID) Solenoid Rack Layouts
by Pablo Campero - 2020-10-23
Talk 2020-32Hall A: Development of the Prototype Gas Flow Sensor Chassis
by Marc McMullen - 2020-10-29
Talk 2020-33Hall C: Neutral Particle Spectrometer (NPS) Collaborators' Meeting DSG Update
by Aaron Brown - 2020-11-12
Talk 2020-34Hall C: Neutral Particle Spectrometer (NPS) Collaborators' Meeting DSG Update
by Aaron Brown - 2020-10-29
Talk 2020-35Hall A: Solenoidal Large Intensity Device (SoLID) Solenoid Liquid Level Control
by Pablo Campero - 2020-11-13
Talk 2020-36DSG R&D: Next Stage of MSELV Chassis Upgrade
by Tyler Lemon - 2020-12-03
Talk 2020-37Hall C: Neutral Particle Spectrometer (NPS) Collaborators' Meeting DSG Update
by Aaron Brown - 2020-12-07
Talk 2020-38Hall A: Solenoidal Large Intensity Device (SoLID) Solenoid HMI & CSS Screen for the Controls and Monitoring System by Pablo Campero - 2020-12-07
Talk 2020-39Hall A: Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) Gas Distribution System Labeling Scheme
by Marc McMullen - 2020-12-17
Talk 2020-40Hall C: Neutral Particle Spectrometer (NPS) Collaborators' Meeting DSG Update
by Aaron Brown - 2020-12-17
Talk 2020-41DSG: DSG Highlights 2020
by DSG - 2021-01-14
Talk 2021-01Hall C: Neutral Particle Spectrometer (NPS) Collaborators' Meeting DSG Update
by Aaron Brown - 2021-01-26
Talk 2021-02Hall B: Second Ring Imaging Cherenkov (RICH II) Preparations
by Dr. Patrizia Rossi and Tyler Lemon - 2021-02-01
Talk 2021-03Hall C: Neutral Particle Spectrometer (NPS) Collaborators' Meeting DSG Update
by Aaron Brown - 2021-02-08
Talk 2021-04Hall A: Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) Gas Distribution Prototype Progress
by Marc McMullen - 2021-02-22
Talk 2021-05Hall C: DSG Contributions to Neutral Particle Spectrometer (NPS)
by Dr. Patrizia Rossi and Aaron Brown - 2021-02-25
Talk 2021-06Hall C: Neutral Particle Spectrometer (NPS) Collaborators' Meeting DSG Update
by Aaron Brown - 2021-02-25
Talk 2021-07Hall A: Concept for Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) Nitrogen Gas Maintenance Panel
by George Jacobs - 2021-02-26
Talk 2021-08Hall B: Second Ring Imaging Cherenkov (RICH II) Hardware Interlock System Timeline
by Tyler Lemon - 2021-03-10
Talk 2021-09Hall C: Test Chassis for Neutral Particle Spectrometer (NPS) High Voltage Supply Cables
by Marc McMullen - 2021-03-12
Talk 2021-10Hall B: Second Ring Imaging Cherenkov (RICH II) Update Meeting
by Tyler Lemon - 2021-03-25
Talk 2021-11Hall B: Second Ring Imaging Cherenkov (RICH II) Mirror Reflectivity Upgrade
by Tyler Lemon - 2021-03-25
Talk 2021-12Hall A: Gas Flow Sensor Chassis Assembly for the Super Bigbite Spectrometer
by Mindy Leffel - 2021-03-26
Talk 2021-13Hall C: DSG Neutral Particle Spectrometer (NPS) Status Update
by Aaron Brown - 2021-03-17
Talk 2021-14Hall A: Solenoidal Large Intensity Device (SoLID) Solenoid Current Leads Flow Controls
by Pablo Campero & Mary Ann Antonioli - 2021-04-07
Talk 2021-15Hall A: Testing of the Constant Current Source Board
by Marc McMullen - 2021-04-15
Talk 2021-16Hall C: Neutral Particle Spectrometer (NPS) Collaborators' Meeting DSG Update
by Aaron Brown - 2021-04-21
Talk 2021-17Hall B: Ring Imaging Cherenkov (RICH) Hardware Interlocks' LabVIEW Remote Interface
by Tyler Lemon - 2021-04-22
Talk 2021-18Hall A: Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) Gas Distribution System Pressure vs Flow Test
by Marc McMullen - 2021-04-27
Talk 2021-19Hall B: Determining Pull-Up Resistors for the Second Ring Imaging Cherenkov (RICH II) Interlock System by Tyler Lemon - 2021-04-29
Talk 2021-20Hall C: Neutral Particle Spectrometer (NPS) Collaborators' Meeting DSG Update
by Aaron Brown - 2021-04-29
Talk 2021-21Hall C: Chassis to Test Neutral Particle Spectrometer (NPS) High Voltage Supply Cable
by Marc McMullen and Mindy Leffel - 2021-05-20
Talk 2021-22Hall C: Neutral Particle Spectrometer (NPS) Collaborators' Meeting DSG Update
by Aaron Brown - 2021-06-01
Talk 2021-23Hall B: Reflectivity Test Station Upgrade Proposal
by Dr. Patrizia Rossi, Peter Bonneau, and Tyler Lemon - 2021-06-17
Talk 2021-24Hall C: Neutral Particle Spectrometer (NPS) Collaborators' Meeting DSG Update
by Aaron Brown - 2021-07-13
Talk 2021-25Hall C: Neutral Particle Spectrometer (NPS) Status Overview
by Dr. Patrizia Rossi and Aaron Brown - 2021-07-15
Talk 2021-26Hall C: Neutral Particle Spectrometer (NPS) Collaborators' Meeting DSG Update
by Aaron Brown - 2021-07-29
Talk 2021-27Hall C: Neutral Particle Spectrometer (NPS) Collaborators' Meeting DSG Update
by Aaron Brown - 2021-07-30
Talk 2021-28Hall A: Solenoidal Large Intensity Device (SoLID) Solenoid PLC Controls for CCR LN2 Valves
by Pablo Campero & Mary Ann Antonioli - 2021-08-26
Talk 2021-29Hall C: Neutral Particle Spectrometer (NPS) Collaborators' Meeting DSG Update
by Aaron Brown - 2021-08-31
Talk 2021-30DSG: Selected Highlights of DSG Remote Work 03/15/2020 - 08/31/2021
by Dr. Patrizia Rossi - 2021-09-09
Talk 2021-31Hall C: Neutral Particle Spectrometer (NPS) Collaborators' Meeting DSG Update
by Aaron Brown - 2021-09-09
Talk 2021-32Hall A: CS-Studio Phoebus Screens - DSG Update
by Brian Eng - 2021-09-30
Talk 2021-33Hall C: Neutral Particle Spectrometer (NPS) Collaborators' Meeting DSG Update
by Aaron Brown - 2021-10-28
Talk 2021-34Hall C: Neutral Particle Spectrometer (NPS) Collaborators' Meeting DSG Update
by Aaron Brown - 2021-11-02
Talk 2021-35DSG: Ansys
by Dr. Patrizia Rossi - 2021-12-02
Talk 2021-36Hall C: Neutral Particle Spectrometer (NPS) Collaborators' Meeting DSG Update
by Aaron Brown - 2021-12-14
Talk 2021-37Hall C: CS-Studio Phoebus Development
by Dr. Patrizia Rossi and Peter Bonneau - 2021-12-20
Talk 2021-38Hall B: Ring Imaging Cherenkov (RICH) Issues in December 2021
by Tyler Lemon - 2022-01-13
Talk 2022-01Hall C: Neutral Particle Spectrometer (NPS) Collaborators' Meeting DSG Update
by Aaron Brown - 2022-01-25
Talk 2022-02Hall B: Second Ring Imaging Cherenkov (RICH II) January 2022 Update
by Dr. Patrizia Rossi and Tyler Lemon - 2022-02-03
Talk 2022-03Hall C: Neutral Particle Spectrometer (NPS) Collaborators' Meeting DSG Update
by Aaron Brown - 2022-02-10
Talk 2022-04DSG: Phoebus Plots and Array Widget Overview
by Brian Eng - 2022-02-16
Talk 2022-05Hall C: DSG Neutral Particle Spectrometer (NPS) Status Update
by Aaron Brown - 2022-02-23
Talk 2022-06Hall A: DSG Electromagnetic Calorimeters (ECAL) Supermodule Assembly Status Update
by Marc McMullen, George Jacobs, and Mindy Leffel - 2022-03-01
Talk 2022-07Hall C: DSG Projects
by Dr. Patrizia Rossi and Aaron Brown - 2022-03-17
Talk 2022-08Hall C: Neutral Particle Spectrometer (NPS) Collaborators' Meeting DSG Update
by Aaron Brown - 2022-04-14
Talk 2022-09Hall C: DSG Neutral Particle Spectrometer (NPS) Status Update
by Aaron Brown - 2022-04-22
Talk 2022-10Hall B: New Reflectivity Test Station for the Second Ring Imaging Cherenkov (RICH II) Mirrors
by Tyler Lemon - 2022-04-27
Talk 2022-11DSG: Software Projects
by Dr. Patrizia Rossi - 2022-05-12
Talk 2022-12Hall C: DSG Neutral Particle Spectrometer (NPS) Status Update
by Aaron Brown - 2022-06-08
Talk 2022-13EIC: Thermal Analysis of Beryllium Beampipe
by Pablo Campero - 2022-06-09
Talk 2022-14Hall C: DSG Neutral Particle Spectrometer (NPS) Status Update
by Aaron Brown - 2022-06-21
Talk 2022-15Hall B: DSG Contributions to the Second Ring Imaging Cherenkov (RICH II) Detector
by Dr. Patrizia Rossi and Tyler Lemon - 2022-06-30
Talk 2022-16Hall C: DSG Neutral Particle Spectrometer (NPS) Status Update
by Aaron Brown - 2022-07-06
Talk 2022-17Hall A: Solenoidal Large Intensity Device (SoLID) Turret Work Status
by Brian Eng - 2022-07-21
Talk 2022-18Hall C: DSG Neutral Particle Spectrometer (NPS) Status Update
by Aaron Brown - 2022-07-20
Talk 2022-19Hall A: Solenoidal Large Intensity Device (SoLID) Turret Work Status
by Brian Eng - 2022-08-29
Talk 2022-20Hall A:DSG Electromagnetic Calorimeters (ECAL) Supermodule Heater Controls
by Marc McMullen - 2022-08-29
Talk 2022-21Hall C: DSG Neutral Particle Spectrometer (NPS) Status Updates
by Aaron Brown - 2022-09-15
Talk 2022-22Hall C: DSG Neutral Particle Spectrometer (NPS) Status Update
by Aaron Brown - 2022-10-10
Talk 2022-23EIC: Detection of Internally Reflected Cherenkov Light (DIRC) Photodiode Testing and Readout Investigation
by Tyler Lemon - 2022-10-12
Talk 2022-24DSG: DSG Projects Fiscal Year 2022
by Dr. Patrizia Rossi - 2022-10-20
Talk 2022-25Hall C: DSG Neutral Particle Spectrometer (NPS) Status Update
by Aaron Brown - 2022-11-03
Talk 2022-26Hall C: DSG Neutral Particle Spectrometer (NPS) Status Update
by Aaron Brown - 2022-12-01
Talk 2022-27Hall C: DSG Neutral Particle Spectrometer (NPS) Status Update
by Aaron Brown - 2022-12-14
Talk 2022-28Hall C: DSG Neutral Particle Spectrometer (NPS) Status Update
by Aaron Brown - 2022-12-07
Talk 2022-29Hall A: DSG Status of Hall A Solenoidal Large Intensity Device (SoLID) Magnet
by Pablo Campero - 2022-12-14
Talk 2022-30EIC: DSG Status of Electron Ion Collider (EIC) Detection of Internally Reflected Cherenkov Light (DIRC)
by Tyler Lemon - 2023-01-10
Talk 2023-01EIC: DSG Beampipe Test Stand Functionality Test
by Brian Eng, George Jacobs, and Marc McMullen - 2023-02-02
Talk 2023-02Hall C: DSG Neutral Particle Spectrometer (NPS) Status
by Aaron Brown - 2023-02-03
Talk 2023-03Hall A: Electromagnetic Calorimeters (ECAL) Heater Controls Functionality Test
by Marc McMullen - 2023-02-10
Talk 2023-04Hall A: Electromagnetic Calorimeters (ECAL) Heater Controls Insulated Heater Test
by Marc McMullen - 2023-02-23
Talk 2023-05Hall A: Electromagnetic Calorimeters (ECAL) Heater Controls Heater Design Change
by Marc McMullen - 2023-03-16
Talk 2023-06Hall A: Electromagnetic Calorimeters (ECAL) Supermodule Heater Test
by Marc McMullen - 2023-04-05
Talk 2023-07DSG: Current DSG Projects and Future Plans
by Patrizia Rossi - 2023-04-27
Talk 2023-08Hall A: Electromagnetic Calorimeters (ECAL) Six-Supermodule Test Stand Controls
by Marc McMullen - 2023-05-04
Talk 2023-09Hall C: DSG Neutral Particle Spectrometer (NPS) Status Update
by Aaron Brown - 2023-04-27
Talk 2023-10Hall C: Neutral Particle Spectrometer (NPS) CFD Thermal Analysis of Detector Volume
by Pablo Campero - 2023-06-13
Talk 2023-11EIC: Determining Reflectivity Test Station's Capabilities for UV Wavelengths
by Tyler Lemon - 2023-06-15
Talk 2023-12Hall A: Electromagnetic Calorimeters (ECAL) Power Supply Tests
by Marc McMullen and Brian Eng - 2023-07-31
Talk 2023-13Hall A: Electromagnetic Calorimeters (ECAL) Heater Controls and Instrumentation
by Marc McMullen and Brian Eng - 2023-08-01
Talk 2023-14DSG: Select Detector Support Group Projects
by Dr. Patrizia Rossi - 2023-08-03
Talk 2023-15Hall A: Electromagnetic Calorimeters (ECAL) Heater Controls Update
by Marc McMullen and Brian Eng - 2023-10-05
Talk 2023-16EIC: Laser Area Exit Light Study
by Tyler Lemon - 2023-10-11
Talk 2023-17EIC: UV Reflectivity Test Station Proposal
by Tyler Lemon - 2023-10-10
Talk 2023-18DSG: DSG Projects FY2023
by Dr. Patrizia Rossi - 2023-12-14
Talk 2023-19Hall A: Electromagnetic Calorimeters (ECAL) Heater Controls Update
by Marc McMullen - 2024-02-27
Talk 2024-01DSG: Current Projects FY 2024
by Dr. Patrizia Rossi - 2024-04-03
Talk 2024-02Hall A: Electromagnetic Calorimeters (ECAL) Power Supply Interface Chassis Update
by Marc McMullen - 2024-04-23
Talk 2024-03Hall A: Large Angle Picosecond Photodetector (LAPPD) Support Structure Fit Test
by Marc McMullen and Pablo Campero - 2024-04-30
Talk 2024-04EIC: DIRC Barbox Disassembly
by Tyler Lemon - 2024-05-07
Talk 2024-05Hall A: Status of Gantry Installation Inside LAPPD Test Stand Dark Box
by Pablo Campero and Marc McMullen - 2024-05-07
Talk 2024-06Hall C: Neutral Particle Spectrometer (NPS) Crystal Temperature Analysis
by Dr. Patrizia Rossi and Aaron Brown - 2024-05-09
Talk 2024-07DSG R&D: Phoebus Test System Development
by Peter Bonneau - 2024-05-17
Talk 2024-08Hall A: ECAL Relay Box Issue
by Marc McMullen - 2024-06-24
Talk 2024-09Hall A: ECAL Controls Interface Chassis Modifications
by Marc McMullen - 2024-06-26
Talk 2024-10Hall A: DSG GEM Activity
by Marc McMullen - 2024-07-17
Talk 2024-11Hall A: ECAL Thermocouple Mapping
by Marc McMullen - 2024-07-21
Talk 2024-12Hall B: ALERT Gas System
by Marc McMullen and Brian Eng - 2024-07-22
Talk 2024-13Hall D: DSG FCAL2 Work Status
by Aaron Brown - 2024-07-30
Talk 2024-14Hall C: Neutral Particle Spectrometer (NPS) Simulation Wrapup
by Aaron Brown and Pablo Campero - 2024-08-07
Talk 2024-15DSG: Pre-Job briefs
by Marc McMullen - 2024-08-20
Talk 2024-16Hall A: PSIC Testing
by Marc McMullen - 2024-09-06
Talk 2024-17Hall B: BoNuS Target Straw Purge Software
by Marc McMullen